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Ad-Purge Adware and Spyware Remover

, Adware spyware, remove malicious software programs, computer protection.


", To remove spyware, adware, malicious software programs, computer protection."
dovnload.co.uk Editor: These days, adware, spyware and other malicious software programs everywhere, and almost seems impossible to stop them. You just install a web site or as popular software title may be infected by visiting.

Proactive protection monitors your computer and tracks it will stop!
Home Page Hijack Protection's dead spy spyware programs from changing Internet Home Page avoids
Runs at startup to provide continuous protection
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scans the Windows Registry
Scans Internet Cookies
Logs scan results
scheduled scans to keep your computer 100% spyware free
The automatic update feature to your customers directly online definition database for downloading new spyware definitions () allows you to see the following requirements.
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Deleted files to remove the spyware in quarantine choose (Win ME / XP + files to Windows System Restore point before deleting them to save creates
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Status menu displays definition numbers, you are protected against program number, the number of programs have been removed, and provides need more! download Ad-Purge Adware and Spyware Remover 3.1 now can make free.

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